Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Time.... (Picture Heavy)

Once again time has gotten away from me. We are going thru some pretty big life changes right now, but after todays meeting, I think all is calm.......for a few weeks anyhow.
So....what have I been doing? I have been sewing!

An iPad case from Sew Spoiled. The directions and pictures were easy to follow. I am sure I will be making more for sure!

Kindle Case: I made this for Sophia. She whines until she gets something, so I gave in and did it. Kidding, I love making things for her. She loves them all too! I looked at several different patterns and just kinda came up with one on the different things I liked about each!

Craftsy BOM 2012 with Amy Gibson is absolutely awesome! I learned how to do so many new blocks! Amy made it very easy to learn. None of my blocks are 100% perfect in anyway. My fault not hers. I decided I could live with the little flaws. My motto is: If I wanted it perfect, I would have hired it done.


And finally I am LOVING zipper pouches/bags! I made 4 and Sophia took 3 of them on her way out the door this weekend. I did manage to get a couple of pictures tho.
 I love the little gathers on this one. I found the tutorial here.
 The above one is a gathered clutch from Anna. Lucy had a birthday party so this went to her friend with a headband and a giftcard inside! Not exactly little girlie, but worked in a pinch! I also made this one, but its one Sophia took.

I suppose this enough for tonight! I definitely have more to share!

Friday, January 4, 2013


I have just proved to myself and my husband I will do anything to avoid year end paperwork! Such a sad thing, but not sad enough because I LOVE THIS! I sent my sister to Hellmart this weekend to get me a new ironing board cover. I was making her a Kindle cover, which I will post pictures of later, and I am not sure what got on my ironing board but it was sticky! I don't think the companies who make the covers actually use them or they would be better! But we got thru the kindle cover, with alot of bitching from me. Last night I decided to work on my Craftsy 2012 BOM blocks. And I made a comment to the Mr. that the ironing board cover sucked ass and he replied with "Well you know how to fix that, go buy another one." Wellllll.....Hellmart is about the only place in town to get them, so I decided to make my own pressing table!!!! I will have to find where I learned about these wonderful things! It's a TV tray with batting and canvas for the top! I can have it right next to me so I don't have to get up 50bajillion times when making quilt blocks!!


Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Dear Bob is it bedtime yet? We are on our last night of Christmas break and we are all sick of each other! Like done. Like stand each other. Like lets get back to normal! I am sooo ready for "normal"!!

I think I have tried to do this blog 3 (?!?!) other times. I always kinda felt like I am posting/talking about things that nobody cares about. Then I have finally decided......it my freaking blog. I get to post what I want to, as often as I want to, with as many pictures as I want to! I read alot of blogs, and I can admit there are times I don't really care what they are doing so I just skip over them, my prerogative so obviously its yours too! Soooo here I go again.......

Today is my Betsy's birthday. She is 2 today. I love her. (i luv all my kids) She seriously makes me belly laugh. everyday. I do believe the terrible twos has been rearing its ugly head for a couple of months, but she still has all of our hearts!

This year I am going to be doing some BOM's, quilt alongs and classes on Craftsy. If you haven't checked Craftsy out yet, you really should! It is totally worth it!

There is more I need to tell you and share with you. Let me get it ALL together.

(i promise to be back this time!)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Picture Day!

I hope to come back and post a bunch of pictures of things I have made lately! Wish me luck!


Friday, April 13, 2012

So ummmm......

I am TIRED! The parents association at the girlie's school decided to do a basket auction as a fundraiser for a new playground. It was a wonderful, exciting, unexpected SUCCESS!! WHOOO HOOO. Now I used to have a gift basket business, (don't ask, that is a whole other post in which drinking and lots of cursing are needed) so I know what goes into doing these. But I must be out of practice. I gave "direction" on how the baskets should be put together. Mostly my jobs were to cellophane them and make the bows for them. Bob have mercy! I had to have Sophia bring some ribbon from Hobby Lobby because our Hell-Mart ribbon selection quite frankly sucks! Anywho, who knew it takes so long to make 16 bows? I thought I was never going to get done. And I used to do this? oiy I guess it all goes back to....IT WAS A SUCCESS! YEAY! And the girlie's looked sooooo cute in their dresses. I will get a group picture for proper posting!

In other news, I have purchased a couple of new bag patterns that I am dieing to make! DIEING! They are big. And beautiful. And I cannot wait! But my feet hurt so much from last night, that it maybe tomorrow before I start.

I also need to work on my Retro Flowers Quilt and Cathedral Window -A-Longs!

Hope you have a good day!


Sunday, April 8, 2012

My new love.....

I have found a new love. Cathedral Windows. LOVE LOVE LOVE THEM!!

Believe it or not, these fabrics do match. They came in the same fat quarter bundle, just wanted to clarify that. I really need to work on my fabric selection and prints. Live and learn I guess.

I need to start working on my retro flowers quilt a long. So much to do and so little time. :)

Sally and Lucy have a concert this week also. The teacher decided to do a Civil War Theme. I guess that means anything blue or grey will work. Guess what two colors they don't wear too much of? And if they have it, is it appropriate for a concert? NOPE! So I found a cute, easy, simple peasant dress that is really good for a beginner like me. I have never sewed clothes yet! Sally's is almost done. I found another tute where she put a ruffle down the front. Right now I can't remember where I found it, but when I post pictures I will dig it up! Lucy's is cut out and one sleeve is attached. I am trying to use my serger on it.....>:~{ We will see how it turns out!

Sorry it has been so long in between posts....Its a work in progress for me!
Hope you all had a wonderful Easter. Sophia and the Princess came to visit so we had lots of fun!


Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Pretty sure I need my head examined! I am going to try both of these A-Longs. They start on the same day. And I have never done patterns close to either one of these! oiy

Cathedral Windows Sew-a-long

I think I need to start cutting some fabric. Or atleast getting it ready to be cut. Are you or aren't you supposed to wash and press your fabric first? Does it matter any more? Or does it matter on the quality of fabric you are using? hmmmmm

I went and had my Serger worked on the other day. I am excited to try and make some things for the girlies. I even purchased some knit fabric. I was soooo excited when I found this at a garage sale last year. I had never used one, but thought "How hard can it be?" I tend to bite off more than I should chew. I have had some learning lessons, with more to come! Mr. Carrie's Things had to look at the diagram to thread it and tell me how to do it! Glad he is handy. Now to just get moved back out to the garage and start sewing!

Hope all is well in your world!
